Exercise-based Stroke Rehabilitation service – EfS Instructor Led

The Stroke Association have initiated a new ‘Exercise-based Stroke Rehabilitation service‘ where it signposts stroke survivors to evidence based exercise options. Clients must be referred by a health professional, such as their physiotherapist, GP, stroke specialist nurse or occupational therapist. The service provides a 12 week programme of exercise and education sessions for stroke survivors, to…

EfS Audit – County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust – Great results!

The Health Improvement Service at County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust have just published their evaluation of the Exercise after Stroke Service delivered in a community venue during 2012-1013. The primary aim of the 12 week programme was to provide safe, effective, evidence based physical activity sessions to ambulatory stroke survivors who had completed…

Improving stroke care in the community – KT Equal Conference – Nov 23rd 2011 Bath

Despite strong evidence that organised stroke care improves outcomes (Stroke Trialist Collaboration, 2003), organisational issues and resource limitation meant that many patients still do not receive adequate specialist community stroke rehabilitation. Stroke Networks are tasked with working with local agencies to ensure that specialist care is available for all appropriate patients (National Audit Office, Improving…